People from all over the world visit my Vintage Goya Guitars site. Here are some of these countries based on their IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. Countries that wrote emails to me at are indicated by a (*) next to their name.

Australia (*)                   Austria                   Belgium (*)
Brazil                   Canada (*)                   Chile
Croatia                   Denmark (*)                   El Salvador
Finland (*)                   France (*)                   Germany (*)
Greece (*)                   Hong Kong (*)                   Ireland (*)
Israel                   Italy (*)                   Japan (*)
Latvia                   Malaysia (*)                   Mauritius
Mexico (*)                   Netherlands (*)                   New Zealand (*)
Norway (*)                   Philippines                   Portugal
Puerto Rico                   Republic of Korea                   Scotland (*)
South Africa (*)                   Spain                   Sweden (*)
Switzerland                   Taiwan                   Turkey
United Kingdom (*)                   United States (*)                   Uruguay
Yugoslavia (*)                                        

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